Human impact on the Environment is a Double-edge Sword

Close your eyes and picture this, you’re at the beach where you would normally dig your feet into the sand, hearing the waves crash in the distance, getting away from the stress to have a stolid afternoon-until you open your eyes and see plastic all over the beach. There is no room to walk or swim in the ocean because we have destroyed our environment. If humans continue to pollute we won’t have any beaches to walk on, forest to hike in, ocean life to see, etc. We are destroying our earth, it is time for a change.

Let’s go back to the beach. You’re walking along the beach warily while cleaning up the plastic around the shore. You come across a pelican who has mistaken his dinner for plastic. He also has a grocery bag around his left wing. If us humans continue to be insidious about our choices we could lose more than half of our marine life just to plastic.  Look at what we have done to our beaches.

Not only does this effect the surface but down under as well. Plastic waste encourages the growth of pathogens. Scientist concluded that corals that come in contact with plastic have an 89 precent chance of catching a disease. Imagine scuba diving and not seeing pretty coral reefs, fish, dolphins, etc. If action isn’t taken soon plastic will exceed the weight of all fish in the seas by 2050. I can not imagine a world without fish, coral reefs, and dolphins… could you?

Well how do we fix this issue? How can I enjoy my cruise without marine life dying. It’s not easy, but there are things that we can do. Reduce, recycle, and reuse. Cut down on things you throw away. Instead of using grocery bags bring a reusable bag. Get a metal water bottle it doesn’t have to be the opulent ones just not plastic bottles. It is simple things in our daily routine that can change for the better. I know what I am about to say will make you upset but if you really want to go on that cruise you could volunteer for clean up in your community. Think of how good you will feel once you change these simple life styles. You also can enjoy your trips to the beach plastic free.

Don’t be tentative about helping the environment. You will thank yourself in the future. You want to go on that beach trip right. Only we can control how we treat our planet. Let’s not trash it.

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